2023 Ice Cream Social

ice cream social

Lochbuie community members and residents, we have a sweet treat lined up just for you! On June 20th, we are rolling out the welcome mat for all of you at our Ice Cream Social, starting at 5:30 PM at the Town Hall.

We will have free ice cream as you mix and mingle with your local leaders. This is your golden ticket to meet the decision-makers, discuss your ideas, and get a 'behind-the-scoops' insight into the workings of your beloved town.

Why stop at ice cream? Stick around after for our board meeting at 6:30 PM. It's a great way to understand the pulse of our community and contribute to the conversations that shape Lochbuie.

Regardless of whether we're inside our cozy lobby or basking in the pleasant summer weather outdoors, we promise you a memorable evening. Delightful discussions, delicious ice cream, and the pleasure of your company - that's our recipe for a perfect Ice Cream Social. Mark your calendars and click here to view all the great community events and ways to get involved on the Town of Lochbuie Calendar.